Wednesday, 23 April 2008


spiritless as though dead ,the gloomy feeling ,
pain within......

done using 8B,2B mechanical


ROBERT said...

Good Day,
I,ve search for those who read RICHDAD books, I saw that you already did and I Thank you for that.
I would like invite you to read some of my posts about my current views..
Thank you.

CashQuest said...

Thank you for your feedback on my blog. I believe this is another piece of great drawing. It must have been some prestigious award you have gotten.

Have you thought of selling your art in the open market ?

Soham Mukhopadhyay said...

this one's cool.

seher said...

priceless....a touch of psychology to ur paintings i see...
this is super crazy....hats off man

Ishita said...

This is really neat!
