Tuesday, 15 April 2008

silentious waters

the water is still so is the moment that has been spun around the beings....

done using b,8b,6b,2b mech and charcoal


maXim said...

pretty sensuous sketch!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome Sketch... Keep the good work goin'...

apurva............ said...

what a volacious sketch yaar.................... keep it up !


CashQuest said...

Robert Kiyosaki started his blog on 16th April 2008. Like you, I am equally ecstatic that we are one of the first contact he networked with.
Do you know we are one of the top 10 in the list ?

In any case, great work of art you have there. Do you sketch them all by yourself ?

midnight cathexis said...

am so spellbound .... this is magnificent, such beautifully etched out... i felt the kiss ... am truly in awe of your work, would surely love to meet a great artist like you and see your work in real.


seher said...

ecstatic ...toxic...fabulous...
u seem to have an amazing imagination which makes u a superb artist... i can feel ur work....i don know if that makes sense 2 u

Vidhi Sharma Nayyar said...

